What is Dwarf Football?

Dwarf Football (Futbol Talla Baja) is for players of various skeletal dysplasias associated with dwarfism.

What is Dwarf Football?

FIFTB promote and develop football-related actions with people with various skeletal dysplasias associated with dwarfism in a fair manner and together with the various institutions related to sport.


Who can play?

Maximum height: Up to 1.40 meters with two exceptions up to 1.49 in the field, including surgery, with stretching or bone correction, applicable for all bone dysplasias (starter or substitute bench).

All athletes with proportionate short stature must prove their genetic condition at classification.

Sport Rules

IFAB Laws of the Game

IFAB rules apply to Dwarf Football competitions with the following exceptions:

  • 7-a-side - 6 Outfield and 1 goalkeeper.
  • Players may not contact the ball with the head.
  • Slide tackling is not allowed.
  • Played on a parquet, wood, synthetic or rubber court.
  • Court size 40m – 30m length by  20m – 16m width
  • Ball: Circumference: 60-62 cm. Weight: 400-430 Grams.


  • Maximum height: Up to 1.40 meters with two exceptions up to 1.49 in the field, including surgery, with stretching or bone correction, applicable for all bone dysplasias (starter or substitute bench)
  • The National Team decides whether the two players up to 1.49 will be in goal, on the field, or both.
  • In the event of a red card for a 1.49m player, the other available 1.49m player can enter


  • You must have documentation supported by a genetic doctor that determines the bone or skeletal dysplasia that the Athlete has.
  • Medical Certificate supporting physical fitness, health status and the ability to train and play soccer.
  • The athlete may have some corrective surgery supported by an orthopedic doctor, traumatologist or neurologist who certifies that he is in optimal condition to train and play soccer.
  • People who have undergone surgery or have had an elongation can play under their own responsibility, including a supporting medical certificate.


International Federation


Member of the Para Football Steering Board

The Federación Internacional de Futbol Talla Baja (FIFTB) is the international federation governing the sport of Dwarf Football, dedicated to empowering persons with various skeletal dysplasias associated with dwarfisms to play football. FIFTB is committed to governing and developing the sport of Dwarf Football in line with their respective mission and objectives and collaborate with Para Football in facilitating the growth of football for persons with disabilities. 

FIFTB Website: fiftb.wordpress.com/

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